Chennai, Apr 16: Tamil Nadu police today sought to arraign R R Gopal, editor of Tamil bi-weekly 'Nakeeran", under the anti-terrorist law Pota in the case filed against him on charges of sedition and offences under the Arms Act. The crime branch (CID) filed an application in a city magistrate's court to bring R R Gopal, accused of links with sandalwood smuggler Veerappan, under the provisions of Pota.
The metropolitan magistrate has not yet signed the application.
This will be the second instance of a journalist being brought under the purview of the controversial Pota.

Geelani was the first case of a journalist booked under Pota in Delhi but was released later after government reviewed the case.
On April 12, fresh cases of sedition and murder had been registered against Gopal after his arrest the previous night.
The case was registered against Gopal after an unlicensed revolver and a pamphlet in support of the outlawed Tamil Nadu liberation army was allegedly found on his person when he was searched by the police.
Besides the two new cases, Gopal is accused in 11 other cases. He has secured bail in all but the two latest ones.
Bureau Report