Athens, Oct 07: Preparations for security at next year's Olympic Games are being hit by delays arising from continued haggling between the Greek authorities and a US firm, the press claimed here Sunday.
"Not a single nail has been hammered in the wireless tetra system project," an unnamed source close to the talks between Greece and a US-led consortium installing Games' security hardware told the Kathimerini daily.
Officials from the consortium stormed out of a meeting with Greek officials Thursday, protesting over a demand to cut the bill for Tetra, a wireless communication network specially designed for public authorities such as police and firefighters, by 24 million dollars, the report said.
Consortium officials were unavailable for comment. Finnish communications giant Nokia, which was supposed to deliver Tetra technology, recently pulled out of the consortium and has been replaced by US-firm Motorola and Greek telecom company Ote.
Tetra makes up almost half of the Olympic security contract's total 255-million-euro value to supply a security system for the 2004 Athens Olympics.

After prompting by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Greece signed the contract with a consortium led by SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation), last May.

SAIC, a US-high tech firm, is to provide Olympic organisers with three systems providing command, control, communications, computers and intelligence (C4I).

Meanwhile Greek Public Order Minister George Floridis claimed that terrorism was dead in Greece, shrugging off a recent spate of arson attacks by new anarchist groups.

Bureau Report