Jammu, Oct 30: The Jammu and Kashmir unit of BJP today expressed 'grave concern' over a reported proposal by the state government to give each militant who surrenders a bank balance of Rs 3 lakh and monthly allowance ranging from Rs 2,500 to 3,000, saying these would only encourage more youth to take up the gun. "The proposal, if implemented, will only induce the Kashmiri youth towards militancy and further complicate the state's already complex political scene," JKBJP spokesman Hari Om told reporters here.

Recent reports said in order to encourage surrender by militants, the government was considering giving them Rs 3 lakh in fixed deposit, Rs 2,500 to Rs 3,000 as monthly allowance and a host of self-employment opportunities for which bank loans would be arranged by the government.

Om said the scheme was "fraught with dangerous ramifications as it has all the potential of promoting the Pakistani cause in Kashmir with hard-earned public money".

He said the NDA government at the Centre had not given liberal financial aid to the Mufti Mohammed Sayeed-led government to "pamper those who are involved in subversive and anti-national activities".

"The Central government has pumped into J&K billions of rupees only to meet the financial needs of the bankrupt state, mitigate the hardships of the common people, cater to their needs and help the coalition government undertake developmental activities on an extensive scale and not for patronising those who do not believe in the concept of India as a nation," Om said.

The BJP spokesman asked the Congress, Panthers Party and the PDP to reconsider their stand on the surrender proposal.

"The need of the time is to rid the state of the menace of terrorism, help the common people lead a peaceful and dignified life and create more and more job opportunities for the unemployed youth," he added. Bureau Report