Kabul, June 11: Afghan authorities welcomed a decision by Canada to open its first diplomatic mission in the war-torn capital in January 2004. The news was announced in Ottawa yesterday by Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham. Canada is also sending 1,800 Canadian troops in August to replace German soldiers who comprise the backbone of the peacekeeping force that patrols the capital, Kabul.
``Canada's constructive assistance in Afghanistan's political, security and humanitarian efforts of the past 18 months is appreciated and valued by our people,'' Foreign Minister Abdullah said in a statement yesterday.
``Canada's decision to open a mission in Kabul will further strengthen the ties between the two nations.''
Graham said Canadian diplomats were already working in the capital. It will be Canada's first embassy or consulate in Afghanistan. Previously, the Canadian High Commissioner in Pakistan doubled as ambassador to Kabul.
Canada broke diplomatic ties with Afghanistan after the Soviet inasion of 1979. Relations resumed in 2002 after the regime was overthrown in a U.S.-led war.
Afghanistan opened its first embassy in Ottawa last year. It also has a consular office in Toronto.
Bureau Report