Seattle, May 18: When it comes to the latest technology craze, Microsoft Corp. isn't known for being first or best: it's known for being biggest. The software behemoth has used its strength, money and reach to go from underdog to top dog on everything from Internet browsers to digital content players. Now, its attention turns to the growing field of search, with a broad-based push that extends from its dominant Windows operating system to its MSN online division. Google Inc. currently dominates Internet search, something analysts say could pose problems for Microsoft and not only because Google takes away advertising dollars.
The popularity and simple, alluring user interfaces of the best search sites threaten to reduce the control that Microsoft maintains over people's computing experience through popular products like the Windows operating system and Internet explorer browser.
Plus, as the amount of digital information explodes, Microsoft also recognizes that computing today is not just about creating work documents, e-mails and pictures of your sister's new puppy it's also about finding all that later.
``I think Microsoft has certainly realized ... That if you can't find it, it doesn't do you any good at all,'' said Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group.
Bureau Report