Islamabad, July 06: Pakistan today officially confirmed that the Lahore-New Delhi bus service would formally be resumed from July 11 with buses simultaneously starting from both the countries. "I can confirm that the bus service will be resumed from July 11 and all the modalities and arrangements for this were completed," Pakistan's foreign office spokesman, Masood Khan told news agencies here today.

Though July 11 was tentatively suggested by India to resume the service, Pakistan has confirmed its acceptance of the date reportedly yesterday through its high commission in New Delhi.
Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) announced the re-launching of the Delhi-Lahore bus service from July 11 yesterday. It said that it received a formal communication from the Central Government for resuming the twice-weekly service after a gap of 18 months.

Early this week Pakistan's foreign office spokesman had declined to confirm whether Islamaabad had agreed to resume the service on July as suggested by India. He said today that the date is finally confirmed.
He said that moves were afoot to resume the air and rail links, which were snapped by India along with the bus service after the terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament in December 2001.

Bureau Report