New Delhi, May 19: After his meeting with Manmohan Singh - the possible prime ministerial candidate, MDMK chief Vaiko today said his party would support any Congress decision on the leadership of the new government. Vaiko said MDMK, a United Progressive Alliance ally, has suggested including the repealing of Pota in UPA's common minimum programme (CMP).
"We have expressed our views to Sonia Gandhi and we are watching the developments that are taking place. We are with Congress and we will support whatever decision they take," he told reporters after meeting Singh and making suggestions vis-a-vis the CMP.
Vaiko said "we all persuaded her (Sonia) to take up the Prime Ministership as the mandate has been given for her. We as allies are very emphatic in our request. Now we are going to watch developments because the decision is to be taken by Congress". The MDMK leader said he had suggested to Singh to include repealing of Pota in the CMP. "We know government will repeal it," he added. Other suggestions included accepting Tamil as a classical language and implementing economic projects, besides issues related to social justice and secularism.
PMK leader S Ramadoss also met Singh and later told reporters that his party would accept any leader decided by the CPP. He described the visit as a "courtesy call".
On the CMP, Ramadoss said it would be finalised in the next two or three days.
Bureau Report