Bangalore, Oct 12: India's Jadoo Works has bagged a multi-million Dollar deal from two leading American animation studios to produce 26-episode TV serial each and work on the two projects would start in the middle of this month, a top company official said. Two-year-old Bangalore-based animation design firm Jadoo Works was started by it services company Vmoksha Technologies.
Vmoksha's Chairman and CEO, Pawan Kumar told reporters here that animation studio Wild Brain has given a USD 3.5 million order, adding, the contract from Mike Young Productions is to the tune of USD two million.
"Work on the two projects would be taken up in parallel from the middle of this month and they would be completed in 13 to 14 months", Kumar said. Wild Brain is a top US producer in the animated commercial sector and its clients include big names in media and entertainment such as universal, Twentieth Century Fox and Disney, it was noted. Bureau Report