Kiev (Ukraine), Aug 29: Ukraine's 19-year-old World Chess Federation champion Ruslan Ponomariov put his title- defending match next month against Russia's Garry Kasparov in jeopardy after refusing to sign a contract conceding to the chess association's demands, news reports said yesterday. The Interfax news agency, citing an unidentified source in the Chess Federation's Moscow office, reported later that the World Chess Federation had called off the match. No one could be reached to comment in the Moscow office of the federation - known by its French initials, Fide - and Fide's Switzerland Headquarters refused to comment.

Fide officials plan to hold a news conference today in Moscow. Ponomariov reportedly called for an urgent meeting in Kiev including him, Kasparov, Fide president Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and the parties' lawyers to settle their differences, the Interfax and Itar-Tass news agencies reported, citing unidentified sources close to the sides.

Ukrainian chess officials said they were aware of the report but could not confirm it.

Ponomariov and Fide have been feuding for weeks over the players' contracts for a September match in the Ukrainian resort of Yalta. Bureau Report