Islamabad, Sept 14: A day before the arrival of the South African security experts here, Pakistan coach Javed Miandad has urged the visitors not to insist on changing the venues of the Karachi and Peshawar Tests saying such a move could "hurt" the game. South Africa, due to tour the country later this month, want that Karachi and Peshawar be changed as venues for the Test matches fearing threats to the lives of their players.
Miandad said South Africa's demand was bound to create problems instead of solving them.
"Karachi is the country's biggest city where millions of fans of the game are anxiously waiting to see the star-studded South Africa team in action," the former captain said.
"I hope South African authorities will use cricket for the betterment and not for increasing problems," he was quoted as saying by the local daily Dawn today.
On its part, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has offered security usually reserved for heads of state to the visitors.
The UCBSA delegation includes commercial director Ian Smith, security director Bob Nicholas and Ben Van Deventer from the South African police services.
Deventer also served as the security director of the World Cup held in South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe in February-March this year.
Bureau Report