Sacramento, California, Oct 06: Action star Arnold Schwarzenegger made a triumphant entrance into California's state capital yesterday, asking for voters to help him return here as governor after next week's polls. The actor urged thousands of cheering fans from the steps of the state capitol, the seat of California's government and legislature, to vote to sack Democratic Governor Gray Davis in Tuesday's recall election and elect him as their leader.
The call came in a campaign rally that marked the end of his four-day "California comeback express" bus tour that took him and his caravan of buses from San Diego to the climactic rally in Sacramento. "If the government doesn't do its job we have an obligation to rise up and do the job ourselves," he said brandishing a broom in his hand and vowing to sweep Davis out of power on October 7.
"But I cannot do this on my own," said Schwarzenegger, who is the frontrunner in the race to replace Davis but whose campaign has been slowed in recent days by damaging allegations of sexual harassment and admiration of Hitler. "We are here to sweep out the bureaucracy, we are here to sweep out the special interests, and we are here number one to sweep out Gray Davis."
Bureau Report