Jammu, Jan12: An organisation of seven lakh refugees from Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK)today adopted a declaration asking Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan to allow people-to-people contacts on both sides of the line of control (LoC) for a peaceful and permanent solution to the Kashmir issue. We have adopted a declaration asking prime ministers of India and Pakistan Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali to strengthen bonds of brotherhod by allowing people-to-people meeting on two sides of the LoC for bringing peace in south Asian sub-continent and permanent settlement of Kashmir issue, Social Republic Volunteers Association (SRVA) chairman, Vijay Sehgal told reporters here.
" We also pray for the success of the Indo-Pak composite dialogue on February 04," said Sehgal, who himself escaped the holocaust of 1947 tribal raid in Muzaffaradad, now the capital of PoK.
Amidst observing a minute's silence to mark one hundred thousand deaths in Indo-Pak conflict and terrorist violence in J & K, Sehgal hailed the efforts of all heads of states with a special reference to the steps taken by the Bhutan government for not encouraging cross-border terrorism so that global terrorism can be curbed.
Bureau Report