Dhaka, Aug 10: A former member of parliament from Bangladesh's main opposition Awami League was today sentenced to life imprisonment in absentia for possessing illegal arms. Joynal Hazari and another person were convicted by Session Judge of Feni, Feroj Alam. Hazari had went into hiding soon after the Awami government led by Sheikh Hasina handed over power to a caretaker regime after the expiry of its term in July 2001. Some reports said he has taken refuge in Tripura.

Police and paramilitary forces raided Hazari's residence in Feni town in the south-eastern part of the country on August 17, 2001, and recovered huge quantity of arms and ammunition.
According the reports, 40 criminal cases had been filed against Hazari since 1970 but this was the first in which a trial was held. He faces 15 more cases while the rest were either withdrawn or could not be proceeded with in the absence of witnesses, the reports said. Bureau Report