Colorado Springs, Colorado, Nov 03: Former Prisoner of War Jessica Lynch plans to visit her fiance's family this Thanksgiving later this month and to marry Army Sgt. Ruben Contreras in June, the groom-to-be's mother said. Contreras' mother, Lisa Latorre of Widefield, would not disclose the exact date and location of the wedding, The Gazette of Colorado Springs reported in Sunday's editions.

``I want this to be a real wedding for them, not just a bunch of media storming in,'' Latorre said. Lynch, 20, and Contreras met almost two years ago at a Taco Bell near Fort Bliss, Texas, where they were stationed.

In January, Lynch was shipped to Kuwait with the 507th maintenance company. She was captured March 23 after her convoy was ambushed in the southern Iraqi city of Nasiriyah. She was rescued from an Iraqi hospital April 1 by US Forces. Bureau Report