Dubai, Sept 07: Iran has announced that it had successfully test-fired a solid-fuelled surface-to-surface "indigenous" ballistic missile 'Fateh A 110' capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Describing the missile as the "latest achievement" of the defence industry as it is based on "indigenous know-how in design and production", head of the defence ministry's aerospace industry organization, Ahmad Vahid, said Fateh has the capability of carrying nuclear warheads although Tehran has denied having a nuclear weapons programme.

"Given the missile's precision, we can definitely announce that Fateh A-110 (conqueror a-110) is among the most precise surface-to-surface missiles in the world," the official news agency IRNA quoted Wahid as saying.
The range of the missile and the time of the test were not disclosed by IRNA.
Earlier this year in may, Iran carried out a successful test of a medium-range ballistic missile, shahab-3 which had a reported range of about 1,300 kms. The shahab-3 is within striking distance of Israel, eastern Turkey, Pakistan and US bases in Saudi Arabia. Bureau Report