Mumbai, Nov 17: Maharashtra Chief Minister Sushilkumar Shinde called on the Governor Mohammed Fazal, who returned from his Delhi visit today. No sooner than Fazal arrived from the national capital, Shinde rushed to the Raj Bhavan and was closetted with the Governor for nearly half-an-hour, official sources said here.

Shinde declined to divulge details of the meeting saying it "is an administrative matter".

The on-going controversy over the multi-crore stamp-paper racket and drought situation prevailing in parts of the state might have been deliberated upon in the meeting, sources added.
Fazal, during his Delhi tour, had met with Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani and discussed the fake stamp-paper scam.

The Maharashtra Governor, who had played a pro-active role by touring scarcity-hit areas and convening a meeting of political leaders and captains of industries over the issue, also sought financial assistance from the union government to deal with the natural calamity.

Bureau Report