New Delhi, Mar 12: The US magazine 'Maxim' has apologised for carrying an alleged "humour" piece depicting a man beating up an image of Mahatma Gandhi in its February issue, the Lok Sabha was told today. The editor-in-chief of the magazine has explained that no offence was intended to Mahatma Gandhi and that the magazine believed in his teachings of peace, minister of state for External Affairs Vinod Khanna said in a written reply. The editor-in-chief said Gandhiji was chosen as the subject of the magazine's cartoon because he was the "least likely target of aggression imaginable", Khanna said. He said the explanation and apology offered by the magazine suggested that the article in question was published due to a misplaced sense of humour, rather than as a deliberate act of insult. The article had hurt the sensibilities of the Indian community and others who strongly objected to it and the Indian embassy also took up the matter with the magazine's editor-in-chief, Khanna said.

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