New Delhi, May 30: Launched with much fanfare in December last year, the Delhi metro rail has already incurred a loss of Rs 26 lakh on passenger fares during the first three months of its operation although it raised additional funds through other means. The metro rail earned Rs 4.27 crore as passenger revenue between January and March while the overall expenditure for running the trains stood at Rs 4.53 crore, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) chairman Madan Lal Khurana told reporters here today.

He said the Metro raised Rs 1.78 crore by inviting advertisements and renting out parking lots and shopping complexes during the period.

Khurana said despite the losses incurred on account of passenger fares, there was no proposal to hike the fares till November (when assembly polls are to take place in Delhi).

"The DMRC board of directors has resolved that the current fare structure and the 20 per cent concession given to the passengers between Tis Hazari and Shahdara will continue," he said.

He said the DMRC was taking steps to rehabilitate shops and residential units affected by the second line of metro between Barakhamba and Dwarka.

The foundation stone for this line would be laid by Deputy Prime Minister Lal Krishna Advani on June three at Raja Garden chowk, he said.

Bureau Report