Colombo, July 05: Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger guerrillas today commemorated 241 suicide bombers who have carried out attacks since their first kamikaze-style strike 16 years ago. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) decorated areas of the island's north-east under their control with red and yellow flags of the rebel outfit and were organising Hindu religious services. Residents said the Tigers were also parading coloured portraits of fallen suicide bombers known as Black Tigers and garlanding photographs of the "martyrs". The first Black Tiger attack was carried out by a rebel known as captain Miller who drove a truck packed with explosives into an army camp at Nelliyadi in the Jaffna peninsula 16 years ago today and killed himself and 40 government troops. "LTTE’s heros' office informed that to date 241 Black Tigers have sacrificed their lives," the pro-LTTE Tamilnet website reported today.

"Celebrations will involve raising of Tamil Eelam national flag, lighting of sacrificial flame, placing flower garlands to pictures of Black Tigers followed by music and cultural events", the Tamilnet said. Black Tigers' identities are closely guarded.

Having completed their training, they serve in regular LTTE units, concealing their membership, the Tamilnet said. When called up for a mission, they take routine leave and if they survive, return to regular service again. Membership is only revealed if they are killed in combat.

Bureau Report