New Delhi: Swami Om is undoubtedly one of the most interesting contestants of 'Bigg Boss' season 10. He has singlehandedly raised the entertainment quotient of the Salman Khan's reality show with his various gimmicks. Recently, celebrity contestant Lopamudra Raut stepped forward to give Om Swami a makeover.


The beauty queen worked on Swami Om's beard and trimmed it in order to bring the best out of him. Surprisingly, he looked quite stunning. 

Swami then hid his face behind a cushion and then amazed rest of the housemates by flaunting the new beard style with a neat ponytail.

Have a look: 

So, what do you guys have to say about his new look?

Swami Om has time and again been criticised by fellow contestants and viewers for his comments against women. However, he later apologised for the same.

'Bigg Boss', an Indian version of international series 'Celebrity Big Brother', features celebrities locked inside a house for three months under constant camera surveillance.