Report : Satish K Singh in Washington
The US Congress on Thursday passed a resolution urging lifting of all the remaining sanctions against India, coinciding with the visit of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in Washington. Senior administration officials, commenting on the resolution, however, were adamant over continuing to link lifting of the sanctions, including even development loans, to India`s signing of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). The resolution welcomed Vajpayee and accepted that it was in mutual interest to expand and strengthen relations while intensifying cooperation over major issues. The republican chairman of International Relations Committee (IRC) Benjamin Gilman and ranking democrat on the committee congressman Sam Gejdenson sponsored the resolution. The part of the resolution, the administration still does not accept, is asking Washington to consider removing of existing unilateral legislation and administrative measures imposed against India which prevent normalisation of bilateral economic and trade relations. However, they said we can guarantee you we are looking at what we can do in this regard. We are making progress.