Bangalore, Nov 04: Soon the country's telecom network major BSNL would be able to offer its subscribers access to both voice and internet together, according to telecom equipment major, ITI Limited. ITI said today it was ready to launch the new technology, Cordect equipment, for more than 225 lakh lines in the BSNL network, having successfully tested the product for more than a year at Kuppam in Andhra Pradesh. The company said in a statement that Cordect is based on the Dect standard specification from the European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI). In addition, it incorporates new concepts and innovative strategies brought about by the collaboration of R & D company named Midas, IIT Chennai, and a global semiconductor manufacturer, the statement said.
"This alliance has resulted in many breakthroughs including that of an access network that segregates voice and internet traffic and delivers each in the most effective manner to the telephone network and the internet, respectively, without choking the other", ITI said.

Stating that the system is very useful for rural areas where subscriber density is low and laying of cable is not economical, it said that Cordect would give a boost to BSNL's ambitious programme of connecting villages through internet.

It noted that Cordect is a type of wireless in local loop system where the subscriber is connected to the local exchange through the wireless.

Bureau Report