Baghdad, Nov 29: US troops arrested 41 suspected anti-coalition activists, including a man believed to have helped foreign militants infiltrate Iraq, the US military said today. US forces captured 37 insurgents in a cordon and search raid east of the hotspot city of Ramadi, west of Baghdad, and three individuals suspected of an attack against the family of the city's police chief two weeks ago, a central command statement said.

In addition, Fawaz Khalaf, whom the statement described as a "cell leader who is reported to have facilitated the trafficking of foreign fighters into and out Iraq" was arrested.

"Khalaf is also suspected of providing weapons and other aid to anti-coalition elements in the al Anbar region," that includes the flashpoint towns of Ramadi and Fallujah.
US-led coalition forces contend that most suicide bombings are perpetrated by foreigners crossing into Iraq whereas small-arms attacks, rocket strikes and roadside bombings are carried out by Iraqi nationals.

Bureau Report