Jaipur, Jan 24: Saying that Lok Sabha would be dissolved in the first week of February, BJP general secretary Pramod Mahajan today favoured holding of simultaneous assembly polls in states where elections are due this year. "The last session of Lok Sabha is beginning from January 29 and the House will be dissolved in the first week of February. We hope the Election Commission would fulfil its duty to hold elections in the shortest possible time to constitute a new House," Mahajan told reporters here.
He expressed hope that the commission would accept the party's "justified" demand for holding assembly polls in Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim, Maharashtra and Karnataka simultaneously with Lok Sabha elections "because it would save people's time and government's money”.
"Andhra Pradesh Assembly has already been dissolved and Sikkim government has indicated its willingness to hold assembly polls with Lok Sabha elections. Elections in Maharashtra and Karnataka are due in October this year. Therefore, our demand for simultaneous polls for Lok Sabha and assembly in these states is justified," he said. Bureau Report