Baghdad, Apr 10: Two US soldiers were killed in Baghdad, one when insurgents attacked a convoy transporting fuel on the west side of the capital, the military said. An Iraqi driver in the convoy was also killed. Twelve others were wounded in the assault, including an Iraqi civilian believed nearby when the attack set off fires, officials said. It was not immediately clear if any of the wounded were us troops.
“These were fuel trucks,” Brig Gen Mark Kimmitt said, adding: “When they were attacked by the enemy, they probably had a collateral effect on other vehicles on the road.” Three marines were killed a day earlier in Al Anbar province, west of Baghdad, the military said yesterday. It wasn't clear if they died in Fallujah, where marines have been battling insurgents since Monday.
In yesterday's attacks, gunmen carrying automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades struck a tanker truck in a convoy in Abu Ghraib on the main highway entering western Baghdad, killing a soldier. A huge cloud of black smoke was seen rising over the city from the scene of the attack.
The second soldier was killed in an attack using roadside bombs and small arms on Camp Cooke, a US base in northern Baghdad, the military said.
Bureau Report