New Delhi, June 10: Taking its consultation process forward, telecom regulator Trai would begin open house discussion on Interconnect User Charge (IUC) from June 16 onwards across various metros. Open houses have been scheduled on June 16 in Bangalore and June 17 in Mumbai, sources said. The discussions on the IUC regime would be held in Kolkata on June 20 and in Delhi on June 24.

Asked if Trai would consider industry's demand to hold open houses in smaller cities to know the views of subscribers there, sources said, "If this is required, we shall consider it."

The consultation paper on IUC was issued in May after Trai decided to review the contentious regime which became effective from May 1. The consultation paper includes issues like telecom tariffs, calling party pays and access deficit charge.
Telecom operators, last week, submitted their written comments on the consultation paper and this would now be followed by discussions at open houses across various metros.

Bureau Report