Tel Aviv, Sept 22: Former US President Bill Clinton met with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for talks in Tel Aviv and assured him of his continued support for the Jewish state. "I am just a private citizen now but I still support Israel," Clinton told reporters yesterday at the start of the late-night meeting at the Defence Ministry in Tel Aviv. "All I can do now is talk - I have no power now, all I can do is listen and tonight I am just going to listen," he said.

The former US President was just one of more than 400 statesmen and celebrities who flew to Israel to attend official celebrations to mark the 80th birthday of Shimon Peres which kicked off in Tel Aviv yesterday.

For his part, Sharon welcomed Clinton, but said he "would have preferred to welcome you in Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish people for the last 3,000 years and the united and undivided capital of Israel forever." Meanwhile, Clinton raised a cheer from hundreds of international dignitaries here yesterday as he took to the stage to sing the Beatles classic "imagine" with a mixed group of Arab and Jewish children.
The former US leader looked somewhat taken aback as he was called to the stage and handed a microphone to perform alongside a teenage girl -- without even the benefit of lyrics to help him out.
The spectacle was just one of dozens of musical ensembles and show pieces put together for the opening gala evening marking the birthday of Peres.
Bureau Report