Mumbai, Feb 27: A sessions court would hear on March 9 the plea of Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai and her family members to dismiss a cheating case filed against them by a real estate agent and also to quash the summons issued by a magistrate.
Meanwhile, the court has stayed the magistrate's order issuing summons to the actress and her family members.

The order was stayed by sessions judge HS Deshpande on February 25 on a plea made by the actress and her family.

Magistrate SY Shishode had issued summons on January 10 asking Aishwarya Rai, her brother and parents to appear on February 27 before him in a cheating case filed by estate agent Krishnakumar Shetty.

When the matter came up for hearing before the magistrate today, the court was informed about the stay granted by the sessions court on the summons issued to the actress and her family. Accordingly, the case was deferred to April 16.

Shetty filed a private complaint in Bandra court alleging that during 1998 he had rendered services to help Aishwarya's family in buying a 3,000 sq ft flat in suburban Bandra. However, they did not pay him brokerage as agreed by them. Bureau Report