Gaza City, June 15: The Islamist movement Hamas condemned today the latest Israeli-Palestinian security contacts, but hinted it would end its boycott of Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmud Abbas' government and resume factional talks. "This security meeting is hurting Palestinian interests and only consolidating security for the occupation," Hamas leader Abdul Aziz al-Rantissi said.

Palestinian and Israeli security officials met yesterday night and reportedly struck a deal for an army withdrawal from reoccupied areas in the Gaza Strip in return for guarantees the Palestinians would prevent militants launching rocket attacks from evacuated zones.
The move, in line with the us-backed peace roadmap which demands an Israeli withdrawal to pre-Intifada lines, comes after one of the bloodiest weeks in the conflict and amid international efforts to bring Hamas and Israel back from the brink of all-out war.

John Wolf, the head of the us team tasked with monitoring the roadmap arrived in Israel today, while a senior Egyptian intelligence officer, Genera Mustapha Buheeri, also arrived in the Gaza Strip for talks with Palestinian factions aimed at reaching a ceasefire.

Buheeri was expected to meet with Palestinian groups, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Yasser Arafat's Fatah, separately today, paving the way for a resumption of inter-factional dialogue, Palestinian sources said.
Bureau Report