New Delhi: We've seen a lot of videos of lizards fighting and escaping from the venemous grip of snakes. While some made it safe and alive, others weren't so lucky and ended up as their dinner.


However, an incredible video has surfaced that shows two geckos engaged in a fight with a snake, but it's not just any duel. The geckos are trying to save their friend who is actually inside the snake.

In the unbelievable footage from Bangkok, Thailand, two geckos gang up on a green tree snake who had already swallowed a Tokay gecko.

On a mission to save their brethren from being eaten alive, the two geckos keep biting the snake and with a little help from an onlooker, manage to pull off a miracle, forcing the reptile to regurgitate the suffocated lizard.

The victimised gecko had turned red and was barely breathing but managed to survive.

Check out the video for yourself!

(Video courtesy: World Viral videos)