Divers descended to the wreck of the Kursk submarine on Tuesday as they resumed efforts to recover the bodies of 118 sailors entombed in the vessel after stormy weather eased, officials said.

They descended to the doomed nuclear submarine at 9:00 am (1030 IST) and began putting in place equipment required to slice a hole in the thick inner hull of the vessel, northern fleet spokesman Vadim Serga said.
The work resumed at 9:00 am. Right now the Russian-Norwegian diving team is working on the eighth compartment, installing the equipment to cut into the Kursk, the spokesman said.


Earlier he said that the divers would likely enjoy only a brief window of opportunity since a fierce Arctic storm was expected to whip up again around the wreck site by late Wednesday or Thursday morning.

Gusting winds and stormy seas forced the divers to call a temporary halt on Monday to the three-day-old operation in the Barents sea where the submarine sank, 150 kilometres (90 miles) off Russia's northwest coast.

Bureau Report