BJP members in Lok Sabha on Monday voiced serious concern over the threats being extended by underworld dons Dawood Ibrahim and Chhota Shakeel to the Mumbai film industry and demanded that producers, directors and actors be provided security. Raising the issue during Zero Hour, Vijay Goel (BJP) said the underworld dons backed by Pakistan's ISI were holding the Bollywood to ransom and dictating terms like which actors and actresses should be caste for films. Demanding a thorough inquiry into the activities of the dons, including Chhota Rajan, Goel recalled the recent arrest of Nazeem Rizvi, producer of the film Chori Chori, Chupke Chupke for his alleged links with the underworld and made a reference to Salman Khan who has acted in the movie.
Another BJP member Aditya Nath wanted the government to ensure that Nepal checked the anti-India activities of ISI and Maoist elements in that country.
A C Jose (Congress) sought evaluation of pension being given to army personnel below the rank of havildar while Ramji Lal Suman (Samajwadi) brought to the notice of the house the indefinite hunger strike undertaken by four agitating employees of Maruti Udyog Limited from on Monday. Bureau Report