It took a while for Nirman Bhavan to wake up to the old maxim- set a thief to catch a thief. For years, the building has been menaced by hundreds of monkeys which had a free run of the place. Staff of the urban development and health ministries housed in the building had to put up with all kinds of monkey tricks. The grimacing apes stole into rooms, tor up files, ate up tiffin, occassionally sank their teeth into a human leg and generally scared the daylights out of everyone. All that is now over and Nirman Bhavan is at peace with itself. Thanks to Raju, specially employed to get rid of the monkeys. The caretakers had tried all kinds of tricks to rid it of the apes. Not one worked. Extra fencing was put at the cost of several lakhs; bananas spiked with sedatives were used as baits, and as a more enduring solution, even hiring professional monkey catchers was thought of. But, now in a matter of three months, Raju has done a complete clean-up act.