Panaji: Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar on Monday said that in the run up to the February 2017 assembly elections, there were apprehensions that the Aam Aadmi Party's (AAP) chief ministerial candidate was "planted" by him in that party.


The Aam Aadmi Party, which had failed to win even a single seat of the 39 it contested, had projected former bureaucrat Elvis Gomes as their chief ministerial candidate.

Gomes had resigned as Inspector General of Prisons to join AAP and led its campaign in Goa.

"In fact a lot of people thought that Elvis is my strong officer. When he went to a political set up, lot of people asked me whether I have planted my man there," Parrikar said.

"That was the reaction... He (Gomes) also must have heard people saying it, because people in Goa don't think that political thinking can be different from other things," the chief minister said.

Parrikar was?addressing the event to launch Vedanta's Women's Football League.

Gomes who is also president of Goa Football Association was present on the dais along with the chief minister.

Parrikar said he does not mix politics and development or football.

"Whether it is development, game or state as a whole, for me every person is equal and I don't treat them as an adversary," he said.

Referring to Gomes, he said "political differences will be there. Once election code of conduct is announced, we won't see each other. But after that we can work together."

Talking about Indian football, Parrikar said the sport requires lot of more energy so that it crosses a threshold.

He said Goa also requires the push in football.

"In spite of all our efforts we can't find many of them representing the country. Lot of facilities need to be opened up but the only problem is that there has to be some discipline," he commented.