Ahmedabad: Gujarat Congress working president Hardik Patel has warned the state government of a statewide agitation if no action is taken on withdrawal of pending criminal cases lodged against Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti members during 2015 Patidar reservation agitation.


"If there is no action on the government`s behalf (on withdrawal of pending criminal cases lodged against Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti members during 2015 Patidar reservation agitation) before March 23, a statewide agitation will be held," Patel said while addressing a press conference on Monday.



In the press conference, Patel also said the youth will stage dharna outside the houses of Patidar community MPs and MLAs of the BJP if they do not support the demand of dropping criminal cases.

Patel accused the Gujarat government of “misleading and fooling” the Patidar community with fake promises of dropping criminal cases against Patidar youth. Hardik Patel emerged as the leader of the agitation demanding reservation for the Patidar community in Gujarat in 2015.

Reacting to the demands made by Patel, BJP Gujarat co-spokesperson Dr Rutvij Patel said in a video statement: “Hardik Patel and the Congress party have lost their political ground and both have no issues to fight for. This is a political stunt to be in the news. The Patidar community stands strongly with the BJP. We have withdrawn 80 per cent of the cases and about the remaining cases.''

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