Gurgaon: In a devastating loss, young twin sisters met with an agonising death after they were accidentally locked inside a hot car for over two hours.


The five-year-olds were spending their summer holiday with their grandparents when the incident took place in Jamalpur village on Wednesday.

Harsha and Harishita were rushed to a private hospital after they were found unconscious in an old Hyundai car but they were declared brought dead.

There were signs the girls had tried to open the door, according to NDTV.

The girls, whose father is in the army and posted in Meerut, were to return to the city with their parents the same day.

The vehicle's locks were reportedly defective and its windows could not be rolled down because of a malfunctioning lever.

The girls were found around 4 pm inside the car in an unconscious state following a frantic search by their distraught family members.

"When my daughters were born, there was so much joy in the family. Both of them had been admitted to the Central School in Meerut.

“Everyone saw them as very promising, they were sharp and naughty," NDTV quoted the girls' father Govind Singh as saying.

"Once, they nearly climbed a thousand-volt pole... No one knew that both would be gone...that my daughters would also leave this world together," he said with teary eyes.