New Delhi: A new mother needs proper care and time to recover from childbirth. And for that, she need to eat a healthy balanced diet, which doesn't necessarily have to be high calorie. Eating the right food is very important for new moms as it will provide them the essential nutrients without compromising on their health.


Here are foods that you must start including in your diet post delivery.

Brown rice

New moms should include brown rice in their daily diet as it helps to keep up the energy level and also provides the required calories that enhance the quality of milk breastfeed.


Being a rich source of protiens, eggs are the best way to meet your daily protein requirement. One should consume eggs regularly as it increases the level of fatty acids in the milk.


Salmons contains all the essential nutrients required for a healthy body. This fish contains DHA, a fat, which is vital for the development of a child’s nervous system. Experts said that a mother should contact her doctor to know how much salmon should be consumed as it contains traces of mercury too.

Green vegetables

Mothers should include lots of green vegetables like spinach and broccoli, in their daily diet as they are rich in Vitamin A which is good for them as well for the baby. Eating veggiess also helps in boosting the level of antioxidants in the body.


Start consuming legumes as it is a great source of non-animal protein. One can also add beans to the diet as they are healthy.