There are a number of variables that can affect unintended weight gain, such as lifestyle, nutrition, and medical issues. One of the main dietary causes of weight gain is consuming sugar-filled foods and beverages. However, this problem may also be worsened by underlying medical issues. Gaining weight can be particularly bothersome when the reason is not immediately clear. Beyond eating, a number of other variables, including stress, sleep deprivation, and some medications, can also significantly contribute to weight gain. Addressing these issues necessitates a thorough strategy to detect and mitigate the relevant factors.

Here Are 8 Causes - 

  1. Too Many Calories: Eating too much is a major contributor to weight gain. Gaining weight is the result of consuming more calories than you burn. Frequent snacking, mindless eating, and calorie-dense, nutrient-poor food choices are all factors. 
  2. Consuming Highly Processed Food: Although high in calories, they are low in important nutrients like fibre and protein, which keep you feeling full. Cut down on processed foods and prioritise whole foods to avoid gaining weight.
  3. Undiagnosed Medical Conditions: Although lifestyle choices might contribute to weight gain, medical disorders such as binge eating disorder (BED) can also have an impact. BED is characterised by uncontrollable excessive eating episodes.
  4. Unproductive Lifestyle: Chronic illnesses and weight increase are correlated with inactivity. Driving, watching TV, working at a desk, and using a computer or phone are examples of common unproductive activities. Include exercise and spend less time sitting down.
  5. Lack Of Sleep: Inadequate sleep might lead to weight gain. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep each night. Obesity and weight growth are associated with inadequate sleep. Reduce caffeine intake, keep a regular sleep schedule, and cut back on screen time before bed to improve sleep.
  6. Stress: Elevated cortisol levels in the body enhance appetite and the desire for high-calorie foods, which can result in weight gain. Take up yoga, therapy, or time in nature to reduce stress.
  7. Not Enough Whole Foods: Eating a diet high in whole foods helps you lose weight and is better for your health. Include nutrient-dense whole foods in your meals and snacks. 
  8. Too Much Sugar: Eating and drinking sugary foods and beverages can cause weight gain and raise the chance of developing long-term illnesses like diabetes. Sugar-filled drinks are a significant source of added sugar and are associated with weight gain.

(This article is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)