New Delhi: The second day of Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) executive meeting on Sunday will see a valedictory speech by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. On the first day, party president Amit Shah hogged the headlines after he said that BJP is working for 'Making India' while Congress for 'Breaking India'. Expressing confidence, Shah asserted that his party will return to power in 2019 with a majority bigger than what it got in 2014.


BJP called for a two-day national executive meeting which kick-started on Saturday, in view of the crucial assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh later this year. 

The meeting, attended by senior party leaders from across the country, is being held at Delhi's Ambedkar International Center. It also assumes significance due to the upcoming assembly polls in three states, all of where the BJP is in power.

The meeting was earlier scheduled to be held on August 18 and August 19. It, however, was called off following the health condition of BJP stalwart and former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee who died on August 16.

The 'crucial' executive meeting is slated to be concluded with PM Modi's guidance speech. It is being graced by party veterans such as LK Advani, Rajnath Singh, Murli Manohar Joshi, Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley among others. Party chiefs of all the BJP-ruled states, all chief ministers and deputy chief ministers from the party and other members of the organisation are also attending the meeting.