NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD: At least 457 Indian prisoners are currently languishing in Pakistan jails, said the Indian High Commission in Pakistan on Monday. 


Earlier today, Pakistan shared the list of total number of Indian prisoners languishing in its jails with India. 

The Indian government will also share a list of Pakistani prisoners in Indian jails with the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi, a Foreign Office statement said.

The list of prisoners was exchanged in line with the provisions of the Consular Access Agreement the two countries signed on May 21, 2008. 

Under the agreement, both India and Pakistan need to exchange the prisoners' list twice a year, on January 1 and July 1.

Most of the Indian prisoners are fishermen who were arrested while fishing in Pakistan's territorial waters in the Arabian Sea, claimed a previous report released by the country's interior ministry.

In the July 2017 list shared by Pakistan, 546 Indian nationals, including 494 fishermen, were reportedly in Pakistani jails.

More than 500 Indians, mostly fishermen, are languishing in various jails in Pakistan, according to an official report. 


With Agency inputs