New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor and Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday (August 22, 2022) said that his party will provide free health treatment to all Gujaratis if his party comes to power after the upcoming assembly elections. While addressing the press conference in Ahemdabad, AAP leader assured the people of Gujarat that “like mohalla clinics in Delhi, health clinics will be opened in cities and villages of Gujarat.”


AAP national convenor, who is on a two-day Gujarat visit along with his deputy Manish Sisodia, said, “We will improve government hospitals and new government hospitals will be opened if needed.”

“The New York Times has praised the Delhi government's education model. We will help Gujarat's students get quality education,” Kejriwal said, adding that Sisodia should be awarded Bharat Ratna for his commendable work in the education sector in the national capital.

Kejriwal also attacked BJP and said that the people of Gujarat are bearing the brunt party’s arrogance in the last 27 years in the state. Kejriwal further asked bus drivers and conductors in Gujarat to request passengers to vote for the AAP in the assembly election, a strategy he had applied during the Delhi assembly elections.

When the reporters questioned the AAP chief on the alleged irregularities in Delhi's excise policy and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) registering an FIR against Sisodia, Kejriwal said his colleague may be arrested soon. “Who knows I may be arrested too; all this is being done for the Gujarat elections,” AAP leader said.

AAP chief Kejriwal and his deputy Sisodia arrived on a two-day visit to Gujarat today, where the Assembly elections are due this year-end. During the visit, the two AAP leaders hold discussions on employment and education with youth ahead of the state.

Their visit comes amid a row over alleged irregularities in Delhi's excise policy and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) registering an FIR against Sisodia. This is Kejriwal's fourth visit to Gujarat this month.

(With agency inputs)