New Delhi: As countries rescue citizens stuck in Afghanistan after Taliban captured Kabul, External Affairs Minister (EAM) S Jaishankar on Saturday (August 21) received a call from his German counterpart Heiko Mass to discuss evacuation challenges in the Afghan nation. 


"Appreciate the call from Foreign Minister @HeikoMaas of Germany. Discussed the evacuation challenges in Afghanistan and the policy implications of the changes there," MEA Jaishankar said in a tweet. 

Earlier on Thursday, Jaishankar while addressing reporters at the UN Security Council said India is working with international partners, principally the US, to bring back stranded Indian nationals from Afghanistan. 

“We are working with international partners in this regard, principally the US, because they control the airport,” PTI quoted Jaishankar as saying. 

Further, he thanked French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian because France evacuted some Indians to Paris from Afghanistan. “So, I think that was the right thing to do. But in terms of the longer perspective, we have a historical relationship with the Afghan people and I think that relationship will continue to guide our thoughts,” he added. 

India evacuated around 80 Indian nationals from Kabul by a transport military aircraft of the Indian Air Force on Saturday, PTI reported. The aircraft landed at Dushanbe in Tajikistan from Kabul, while it is expected to reach Hindon airbase near Delhi in the evening.

India has so far evacuated 200 people including the ambassador and other staffers of its embassy in Kabul in two C-17 heavy-lift transport aircraft of the IAF after the Taliban took over Kabul on Sunday (August 15). 

Meanwhile, 150 Indian citizens, who were stopped by Taliban men and taken to an unknown location near the Kabul airport on Saturday for questioning and verification of travel documents, were subsequently released. Earlier, news reports claimed that the Taliban had abducted some people, including 150 Indians near Kabul airport. The Taliban had rejected the claim. 

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