The tale of Seema Haider's illegal entry into India continues to captivate attention, with many eager to know the latest developments. Amidst this, a new twist emerged as Anju, an Indian national, ventured to Pakistan. Reports suggest that Anju made this decision to be with her Facebook love. In a recent media interview, Anju opened up about her experiences in Pakistan. She expressed that returning to India seems impossible as she fears rejection from her family and society. Anju also revealed that she has embraced Islam in Pakistan and now goes by the name Fatima. In this exclusive report, we delve deeper into Anju's journey and her reflections on her life-changing decision.


Anju's Heartfelt Departure: Leaving Family Behind
On the 21st of July, Anju, a resident of Bhiwani, Rajasthan, bid farewell to her husband and two children to embark on a journey that would change her life forever. Crossing the Wagah border, she entered Pakistan, where Nasrulla, her Facebook friend, warmly received her in Lahore. To her husband, she stated she was visiting a friend in Jaipur, while her colleagues at work were informed of her visit to her sister in Goa. However, her true destination was Pakistan, where she sought love and a new beginning.

Embracing Change: Anju's Conversion to Islam
Once in Lahore, Anju underwent a significant transformation as she embraced the Islamic faith. As a result, she took on the name Fatima, signifying a fresh start in her life. Reports suggest that her love for Nasrulla played a pivotal role in her decision to convert, but Anju herself has yet to divulge further details about her newfound spiritual journey.

Anju's Fears and Uncertainties
In a heart-to-heart interview with an Indian media channel, Anju expressed her deep fears and uncertainties about returning to India. She believes that society, including her own family, may not accept her if she comes back. These concerns have compelled her to stay in Pakistan, where she feels safe and secure.