Efforts are on to rescue an 11-year-old boy trapped between a pillar and a slab of a bridge, built over the Son River, in Atimi village in Bihar's Rohtas district. The boy, Ranjan Kumar, 11, is being given oxygen while attempts are being made by disaster relief workers to free him.


He was found trapped at the Nasriganj-Daudnagar bridge, on Wednesday. Shatrughan Prasad, the boy's father had earlier informed local authorities that his son who was mentally unsound had gone missing two days ago. Later the child was discovered trapped by a woman.

Talking to reporters, Jaffar Imam, Block Development Officer (BDO) of Nasriganj, said, "The incident took place yesterday when the boy somehow got trapped between the pillar and a slab of the Nasriganj-Daudnagar bridge." An expert team from the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and state disaster response force were immediately called and they have "been busy in the rescue operation since yesterday evening", he added. "Oxygen is being supplied to the trapped boy through pipes till he is pulled out," he added.