A teacher in Bihar's Khagaria district, Sunil Kumar, found himself suspended after a video of his impassioned complaint went viral. His grievance? The cancellation of a holiday for the popular Indian festival, Raksha Bandhan. In the video, Mr. Kumar expresses his frustration over the decision made by school officials, which forced his sister to travel a substantial 90 kilometers from Bhagalpur to Khagaria to tie a rakhi on Raksha Bandhan. This unexpected change left him upset, and he voiced his displeasure in a video that subsequently gained widespread attention.

Frustration Over Raksha Bandhan Holiday Cancellation


Sunil Kumar's outburst was triggered by the cancellation of the Raksha Bandhan holiday. In an attempt to compensate for lost teaching days, department officials decided to reduce the number of school holidays during important festivals in the remaining five months of the year. This administrative move aimed to recoup the educational time lost due to holidays.

Social Media Shares Video

The incident garnered public attention when a Twitter page associated with Bihar Shikshak Manch shared the video of Sunil Kumar's emotional statement. In the video, he openly criticizes KK Pathak, the additional chief secretary of the Bihar Education Department, while his sister is seen tying a rakhi inside the school premises. The video was uploaded on August 31 and accompanied by a descriptive note explaining the situation and emphasizing the teacher's frustration.

Official Action Taken

On September 1, an official order was issued, suspending Mr. Kumar from his teaching duties. Additionally, he faces departmental disciplinary action for making indecent and objectionable remarks directed at higher-ranking officials. The notice also specifies that his salary payments would be blocked immediately as a consequence of his actions.

Impact of Raksha Bandhan Holiday Cancellation

Raksha Bandhan is a significant and widely celebrated festival in India. Its holiday cancellation sparked discontent among teachers and students, leading to this viral incident and its subsequent consequences.