NEW DELHI: Addressing karyakartas or party workers via video conference on 38th Foundation Day of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday spoke at length about the inclusive nature of the party and his own struggles to the top. 


“In the BJP there are no divisions, no dynasty politics and no I versus you. It is truly democratic and an only democratic political party can effectively serve a democratic nation,” said the Prime Minister. 

Reflecting on his humble origins, he said, “They are unable to digest that a poor person born into a backward family is serving as the nation’s Prime Minister. They cannot imagine that when we got the opportunity to elect a President on our own strength, we elected a person belonging to the Dalit community. They cannot imagine that when we got the opportunity to elect a Deputy Speaker, we selected Shri Suraj Bhan, who belonged to the Dalit community and later Shri Karia Munda, who is a tribal leader.”

“We are living in a time when the Opposition to BJP is at its highest. Sometimes, it also takes a violent turn. This is not because we made a mistake. It is the strength of the BJP that is affecting our opponents,” he added.

During the live video interaction, via Narendra Modi App, the Prime Minister highlighted the work of individual party members and intiatives taken by them. 

“Ours is a Government fully dedicated to the poor and this is also seen in the working of the various state governments of the BJP. All sections of society support BJP. BJP particularly sensitive to aspirations of poor and marginalized,” said the PM.

Recalling the foundation of the BJP, the Prime Minister said, “The BJP was born in the city of Mumbai, in extremely tough circumstances. The BJP and its senior leaders were virtually ostracized from prevalent political scenario. Infact, if there is one party that has consistently been a victim of political untouchability, it is the BJP.” 

“It is our Karyakartas who have fulfilled Atal Ji’s words- Andhera Chhatega, Suraj Niklega, Kamal Khilega. Our journey is a Yatra of dedication of countless selfless workers,” he added.

“The NDA family is getting Jeet after Jeet (victory after victory), which is forcing the other parties to spread Jhooth after Jhooth (lies after lies). Their only aim is to defeat Modi, nothing else,” said the PM.