Surat: Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Saturday claimed that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is getting 95 per cent of the total donations made through electoral bonds as donors are not providing funds to other parties out of fear. Addressing a press conference in Surat as part of the Congress's campaign for the upcoming Gujarat Assembly polls, the senior party leader accused the BJP of even "threatening" corporates, who wish to donate to Congress and other political parties. He also targeted the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and its chief Arvind Kejriwal, saying they spend money suppressing any negative news against them. "If donation is given to other parties, the Enforcement Directorate and Income Tax Department will come knocking on the doors of the donors," Gehlot alleged.


In our democracy, even donations are going to one party only. They have amassed crores of rupees, which they use to build five-star party offices across the country," he added.

Also Read: 'Only Rahul Gandhi can challenge PM Modi...’: Ashok Gehlot ahead of Mallikarjun Kharge’s coronation as Congress chief

"Following the introduction of electoral bonds, 95 per cent of the total donations are going to BJP. Donors are not giving to other parties out of fear. BJP has introduced a model wherein money collected through donations is being used to change state governments, as they did in Maharashtra and Karnataka," he claimed.

Accusing the ruling BJP of being a "fascist" force, Gehlot said the party wins the election on religious lines instead of any policy, programme or principles.
"Gujarat is the land of Mahatma Gandhi. But there is an atmosphere of violence and unrest here. The situation is dangerous for democracy. All sections of society are unhappy with BJP. Time has come to change this regime and Congress is ready to form the next government," he added.

State BJP leaders were not available for comment on his allegations. Gehlot, who is Congress's senior observer for the upcoming Gujarat Assembly elections, also accused the AAP and its national convener Kejriwal of controlling the media through money.

"What Kejriwal is doing is also dangerous for democracy. They spend money for suppressing any negative news against them and run their announcements continuously. Their TV interviews are also fake. They created an atmosphere during the last three months that everything has changed (in their favour). But that is not true. People know their tricks," he said.