A day after Diwali, the blame game continued between the BJP and the Aam Aadmi Party over Delhi's deteriorating air quality. A blanket of haze returned to Delhi sky after Diwali as people burst crackers the whole night. Speaking to the media today, Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai blamed the BJP-ruled states of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh for the pollution in Delhi. Rai said that had UP and Haryana implemented a stricter cracker ban, then the pollution level could have been under control. Rai said that the sale and storage of crackers are banned in Delhi and added that people bought firecrackers from Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.


On the other hand, the BJP hit out at the AAP government saying that the Kejriwal dispensation earlier used to blame Punjab for Delhi's pollution. BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia said that during the hearing in the Supreme Court, a useless Kejriwal government was reprimanded. "Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had claimed on November 3, 2022 that he would clean Delhi's air within one year. He failed to complete that promise. Kejriwal earlier used to blame Punjab when there was no AAP government in the state," said Bhatia. He further alleged that the Punjab government has failed to utilise the assistance provided by the Centre. 

On the other hand, Congress MP Manish Tewari took to social media X and said, "Last night in Lutyens Delhi firecrackers were bursting till 2 AM in the morning with sparklers, bombs, rockets and every other firecracker used on Deepawali on full & ferocious display. Did the Supreme Court ban Firecrackers?"