New Delhi: Unidentified terrorists on Tuesday (June 22) opened fired and shot down a police officer of CID wing at Kanipora in the outskirts of Srinagar city in Jammu and Kashmir. According to reports, the CID Inspector has been identified as Pervaiz Ahmad Dar and was posted at Parimpora police station.


Dar was returning home after performing the evening prayers at a mosque in Nowgam area when he was shot down by terrorists. He was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead by doctors. 

On June 21, at least three Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists were neutralised including top Commander Mudasir Pandit, who was involved in the killing of three policemen and four others, in an encounter by security forces in Sopore of Jammu and Kashmir's Baramulla district.

"Top LeT terrorist Mudasir Pandit who was involved in the killing of three policemen, two councillors and two civilians recently and accused of several other terror crimes was killed in Sopore encounter," IGP Kashmir told ANI.

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