New Delhi: Director, CBI Shri Rishi Kumar Shukla greeted the officers and staff of CBI on the occasion of New Year 2021. In a virtual address to the officers of CBI across India, Director, CBI underlined that Covid-19 related lockdown came as a challenge.


In spite of the best efforts taken CBI family lost a few Officers and men. Director, CBI conveyed condolence to their family members and assured them for all possible assistance. He stressed the need to continuously adhere to covid protocols as a pandemic is still here. We should continue with periodic sanitization of our workplace and frequent testing, he added.

Director, CBI also informed that a large number of cases numbering around 800 were disposed off during the year gone by (2020) despite huge challenges of COVID-19 pandemic which caused tremendous hurdles in the operations in various walks of life. “With your cooperation and efforts, we have been able to finalise the investigation of a substantial number of cases to achieve our targets. We need to work hard in the coming days,” Director, CBI said.

Shri Shukla complemented the investigating officers and the supervisory officers in exhibiting the true nature of team CBI towards relentless by pursuing cases. He cited the example of a recently adjudicated case in Kerala in which conviction was pronounced despite the severely hampered and complicated case handed over to CBI.

Director, CBI also emphasised the need for officers and others at various levels in keeping themselves updated with the latest tools of investigation through sustained training. He pointed out that new and well innovated Online/Virtual training modules are now available/ developed as a fall-out of restrictions caused by the covid pandemic.

Shri Shukla underscored the need for supervisory officers to involve themselves in live investigation cases more frequently as a matter of New Year resolution. This will help them to have the first-hand experience of some of the present investigation methods and can further guide their teams to strengthen/further improve investigation with an objective of accelerating the process.

Shri Shukla highlighted the welfare activities and said, efforts were made to fill- up the existing vacancies, hold maximum DPCs whereby a number of officials were promoted. He recognised the services rendered by the Officers while getting various prestigious awards including IPM/PPM/USM/AUSM/Home Minister’s Medal & Asuchana Padak etc.

Director, CBI complimented the officers of CBI for professional work and for progressively achieving better results, especially during the last two years. Recently, a large number of high-value bank fraud cases have been taken up which marks an emerging challenge to CBI.

The Additional Directors and other senior officers & officials of CBI also present during the address.